Story of “Sigri”

Experience in Starbucks

During preparing for the judicial scrivener license exam, I used to get up early every morning and study at Starbucks Coffee before going to work.

I spent my days learning the registration application forms of each procedural pattern, by typing them into a blank Excel sheet.

Excel sheet for practicing

Starbucks Coffee has a “Mobile Order” system. We can order and pay on our smartphone without having to wait in line at the cash register and they call us when our order is ready.

Starbucks is fancy.  The default username for the mobile order was named after the coffee, like “Brazil #3”, “Ethiopia #5”.

I like to grind and drink coffee on holiday mornings, so I set my mobile order username to “Sigri”, which is one of my favorite coffee plantations.

As I was called every morning “Customer name, Sigri, your coffee is ready”, “Sigri” began to hear like a surname.  Then I came up with the idea of using it as the name of my office when I set up my own office in the future.

Not to be a traditional office

The traditional style of name of professional firm in Japan is “name (or surname) + office”.

However, if I were to establish a firm, I wanted to do so in a modern style, not a traditional one.
(I later learned that the scrivener’s office was obligated to display the names of its qualified members, so “name + office” style is reasonable in that view.)

Also, surname was given by an ancestor we do not know enough. While it is an important one, I do not believe that I need to be overly bound by it. I decided to think that if I could give my surname freely.

What is Sigri?

I decided to look up the original meaning of Sigri.

Sigri is the name of a cooking stove, especially in Northern India. I found this fascinating becauste it seems to be a classical and traditional tool that is still useful in some regions. I also found that there is a small castle in Greece called Sigri Catsle.

Sigri – I don’t know why, but I love its facscinating sound. As mentioned above, it felt like a surname to me, and in order to make it unique, I also considered the number of writing strokes, and decided to use the Kanji characters as the name of the office.

Meaning of Kanji

“司” is a part of “司法” (judicial).  It has the meaning of “to perform a role,” and is suitable for this job.

“栗” is chestnuts. As a building material, chestnuts are hard, heavy, and resistant to decay. I thought this is also suitable from the viewpoint of aiming for providing steady legal services.

The total number of writing strokes of “司栗” is 15. In Japan, it is said to be excellent for interpersonal relationships, blessed with good encounters, and endeared to elders. I followed my mother’s advice to carefully consider the writing stroke count when thinking of a name.

Representative of office