About Us


Sigri Office was launched with the goal of providing all-inclusive support rooted in a critical and professional mindset spanning legal administrative procedures require by corporate entities, furnished by professionals with extensive years of service at leading law firms and the legal departments of companies in Japan. Our mission is to help uphold the rights of companies and the general public, thereby contributing to the formation of a free and fair society.

The climate surrounding corporate activity continues to rapidly evolve. This includes the environment spanning numerous administrative procedures linked to the COVID-19 pandemic, such as the transfer of various procedures online and abolishing the use of traditional signature seals. Our goal is to support the digitalization of both corporate and public administration, together with promotion of sound economic activity in Japan by assisting companies utilize online applications and other emerging administrative processing know-how.

Yuhei Okamoto
Judicial Scrivener / Administrative Scrivener
Our Services

The majority of traditional judicial scrivener (also known as “Shiho-Shoshi Lawyer”) firms are primarily active in settlement of real estate transactions, or the providing of inheritance, guardianship and other legal services for normal citizens.

In contrast, few firms engage in pursuit of the legal administrative procedures necessary for corporate registration as their primary field of business, even in Tokyo or other major urban areas. As a result, it can prove difficult to locate a suitable specialist capable of handling corporate legal affairs.

The aim of Sigri Office is to excel as a firm capable of handling not only registration procedures, but also other administrative services based on the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act, the Antimonopoly Law and other related laws and regulations. We are equipped to handle the legal administrative procedures necessary for companies, in close collaboration with lawyers and other experts specializing in corporate legal affairs.

Our Philosophy & Mission
  1. Business Integrity
    Earn the trust of clients by performing at stellar levels of professionalism, and acting with uncompromising integrity and humility.
  2. Cutting-Edge Values
    Contribute to Japan’s digitalization by being selective in taking precedents for granted without passively accepting all, embracing values keenly reflecting the times and being proactive in the enlightened use of online processing technologies.
  3. Contributing to Society
    Strive through assistance to corporate clients in supporting economic endeavor, upholding human rights and otherwise advancing the formation of a free and fair society.
The “Sigri” Story

“Sigri” is a term coined by our representative, Yuhei Okamoto, upon his decision to open a new office in pursuit of the aforementioned vision.

The written character for “Si” roughly translates as “judicial officer.” This nuance seeks to convey the determination to act in that capacity through contributions to both clients and society at large.

“Gri” is the character for “chestnut.” Chestnut tree wood is renowned for its use as a building material that is hard, heavy and highly resistant to decay. It was incorporated into our name to underscore the quest to serve as a solid and reliable business partner.

As we know, the traditional naming of professional companies consists of “last name (or surname) + office.” Sigri, however, is determined not to follow that style based on precedent. Our aim, rather, is to excel as an workplace keenly attuned to the current era, exercising creativity in mounting flexible responses to the ever-changing status and needs of society.