Support for Foreign Companies Expanding to Japan

When foreign companies establish, conduct investment and otherwise launch Japanese corporate operations, they may be required to furnish various notifications and reports pursuant to the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act (FEFTA), complete procedures concerning the residential status (VISA) of their employees and conduct other processing.
At Sigri Office, in addition to support for the various required registration procedures, we also provide consultation services for the preparation of visa documents, navigating the demands under the FEFTA and other key areas.
This capability extends to the preparation of documents in both Japanese and English.

Registration Procedures

  • Support for the various registration procedures required for joint-stock companies, limited liability companies, sales offices and other operations of foreign companies in Japan (initial establishment, changes in officers, etc.)
  • Preparation of procedural documents required under Japanese corporate law

Procedures under the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act

  • Preparation of documents required for prior notification and post-reporting on inward direct investment and other areas
  • Preparation of report documents pertaining to capital transactions
  • Preparation of report documents pertaining to foreign direct investment
  • Preparation of reports pertaining to payments, receipts of payments, other areas.

Residential Status (VISA)

  • Application agent services to support issuance of residential status eligibility certificates

Foreign Document Certification

  • Private document notarization agent certification procedures
  • Support for procedures required to obtain affidavits/sworn statements
  • Agent services for obtaining official seal confirmation, apostille certification, etc.